
This page is meant to give some insight to the instruments I like to use as a drummer. Sound plays a big part in my work as a drummer, and gear does help a lot with that. Besides, gear is just a lot of fun:)

I hope this page gives you an image of what moves me as a drummer, and which kind of sounds I like.


Rogers Powertone ’70 Scriptlogo 22” / 12” / 16”
Slingerland ’67 Mahogany 22″ / 13″ / 16″
Sonor Designer 22” / 10” / 12” / 14” / 16” / 18”
Sonor Teardrop 18” / 13” / 16”
Gretsch Catalina 18” / 12” / 14”


Ludwig Black Beauty ’79 14” x 6,5”
Ludwig Supraphonic ’65 14” x 5”
Ludwig Acrolite ’79 14” x 5”
Sonor Hilite 14” x 7”
Sonor Designer 14” x 5”
Rogers Dynasonic 14” x 5,5”


Istanbul Signature Ride 23”
Istanbul 30th anniversary Ride 22″
Istanbul Signature Ride 21”
Paiste Signature Dark Ride 20”

Istanbul Xist Dark Dry Crash 22”
Istanbul Xist Dark Brilliant Crash 22″
Zildjian K Paper Thin Crash 21″
Zildjian K Sweet Crash 20”
Zildjian K Custom Dark Crash 20″
Zildjian Avedis Fast Crash 20”
Zildjian K Custom Fast Crash 18”

Istanbul Signature hihat 16″
Istanbul 30th anniversary hihat 15”

Istanbul Clap Stack 15″


Roland SPD-SX
Roland drumtriggers (30HR, 30K)
Drumtec Trigger tubes (3x)
Ableton Push
Ableton Live 11

Dave Smith Prophet Rev2
Arturia MicroFreak
Hologram Microcosm
TC Electronic Hall of Fame 2
Korg Kaoss pad KP3+


Neumann KM184 (2x)
Aston Spirit (2x)
Aston Origin (2x)
Warm Audio 47F (1x)
Shure Beta 52A (1x)
Shure SM57 (4x)
Shure SM58 (1x)
Shure Beta SM58 (1x)
Shure E604 (3x)
Studio Projects B1 (1x)

Interface & Pre Amps

Focusrite Scarlett 18i20
Focusrite Scarlett OctoPre